Hey there!


(I’m no longer bald, but I love this picture!)

Thanks for popping in. I’m a Kenyan with a love for all things artsy and outdoors. I’ve got an electrical engineering degree and work for a top strategy consulting firm.

Why Whispery Wind? Well, because I like the sound of it. 😀

This blog has evolved from when I first started (in 2012). It used to be a journal of sorts. It still is, just with the focus on food, travel and adventure. I cut out all the ‘junk’, you could say. I’ve lived in 4 countries, visited a few others and strive to keep exploring this lonely planet. I’m in love with Africa and hoping to visit as many African countries as I can before I spend my money overseas.

I enjoy experiencing restaurants and messing around in the kitchen. I will share the occasional poem and random musings, and I hope you enjoy those as well.

Feel free to drop a comment and share your blog link with me and I will pay you a visit.

Love and Love.

Copyright vibes:

All text on the blog is my property unless otherwise stated (a source will be given in such a case). All images on the blog are my property unless a source is given (for which the Google Images search engine has been used). No one is authorised to use my property without my consent, and where explicit consent is given, credit must be given and my work source must be given. I source all images from Google with the link source on Google. No copyright laws are intentionally broken on this blog. If you find that I have used your image on my blog and want it taken down, please comment or email me and I will gladly remove it.

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